15 February 2015 - The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation  -  Advancing youth agricultural entrepreneurship and ICT innovations to boost climate-resilient food value chains

12/03/2015 - European Commission - EIDHR Establishing a European Union Human Rights Defenders Mechanism

Reference: EuropeAid/136316/DH/ACT/Multi (This is not, repeat not, the Serbia Country-Based Support Scheme)

31.12.2014. - Filmski centar Srbije - Konkurs za finansiranje i sufinansiranje proјekata u kinematografiјi za 2014. godinu „PRODUKCIЈA FILMA SA TEMOM PRVI SVETSKI RAT“

January 25, 2015 - Balkans Arts and Culture Fund (BAC)  -  Call for Submission of Proposals for Collaboration Projects in Arts and Culture – COLABs

12. decembar 2014. - Pokrajinski sekretarijat za međuregionalnu saradnju i lokalnu samoupravu - Konkurs za pregled, analizu i predstavljanje realizovanih projekata lokalnih samouprava na teritoriji AP Vojvodine finansiranih od strane EU u periodu 2007.-2013.

30.12.2014. - Fondacija Ana i Vlade Divac  -  Ideja za bolje sutra (razvoj socijalnog poslovanja, promocija pozitivnog imidža Srbije)

December 24, 2014 - USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project - invites interested CSOs to submit proposals for projects which would target the challenges of corruption, transparency, and government accountability