25. jul 2014 – MOS – Mladi su zakon

28 July 2014 - The Young Feminist Fund (FRIDA) -  Call for proposals
July 15, 2014 -  The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - is seeking applications for Assistance Agreements from Serbian organizations for funding to support a program entitled “SERBIA CIVIL SOCIETY PARTNERS” 

14.07.2014 -  USAID Projekat održivog lokalnog razvoja -  TENDER Poziv za ponude: Regionalna analiza konkurentnosti poljoprivrede 14 opština u Srbiji

01.07.2014 – Pokrajinski sekretarijat za sport i omladinu –  Za  projekata u oblasti ravnopravnosti polova sa ciljem unapređenja saradnje civilnog i javnog sektora

June 27, 2014 - The USAID Business Enabling Program in Serbia (USAID BEP) – is seeking applications from qualified US or Serbian non-profit, for-profit, and NGOs for a grant to develop a unique Business Web Portal for the small and medium enterprises (SMEs), in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce

June 16, 2014 - The USAID Business Enabling Program in Serbia (USAID BEP) - is seeking applications from qualified, legally registered US, Serbian, non-profit, for-profit, and NGOs for a grant to implement a business survey in Serbia

20. avgust 2014. - NLB BANKA - III Konkurs za najbolji projekat iz oblasti organske proizvodnje i prerade hrane

July 31, 2014 - The Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund  - Small grants to grassroots projects that empower women and girls

11. jul 2014. - Nacionalnoj agenciji za regionalni razvoj    -   žensko preduzetništvo 

28.11.2014. - Министарство рада, запошљавања и социјалне политике - Стални отворени конкурс за унапређење положаја особа са инвалидитетом  

1 October 2014 - The Council of Europe  / The European Youth Foundation (EYF)  -   Financial support for European youth activities: International activities taking place between 1 April and 31 December 2015; Work plans for 2015; One-off structural grants for 2015 (regional network)

15 September 2014 -The Swedish Institute - Creative Force program to promote openness and democratic structures in the fields of culture, media and related sectors