7. sept 2012.- Kancelarija Poverenice za zaštitu ravnopravnosti - početni mehanizmi situacionog testiranja diskriminacije na teritoriji Republike Srbije.

31 October 2012 - Whitley Fund for Nature - Grants to outstanding conservationists around the world

21. Avg - Decade of Roma Inclusion Secretariat -  Civil Society Monitoring of the Implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies and Decade Action Plans (coalitions only)

No date - Open Society Foundations Arts and Culture Program - Advancing Roma Inclusion Through Arts and Culture

30 sept. 2012 - Ambasada Češke Republike - Mali lokalni projekti 


30 November 2012 - United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, the MIT Education Arcade, and Learning Games Network - International competition to produce apps and mobile games that enable new avenues for intercultural dialogue
