18. maj 2012. - Agencija za strana ulaganja i promociju izvoza Republike Srbije (SIEPA) - Finansiranje aktivnosti koje doprinose povećanju izvoza iz Republike Srbije.

11. maj 2012. - Ministarstvo omladine i sporta - Konkurs u oblasti sporta / Budžetski fond 2012. iz igara na sreću

2. maj 2012. – Nаcionаlnа аgencijа zа regionаlni rаzvoj i Kancelarija za održivi razvoj NRP - Podrška početnicima u biznisu koji su povratnici u svoja rodna mesta

30 April 2012 – OSCE/SIDA - Consolidating the democratisation process in the security sector in the Republic of Serbia

11. maj 2012. - Građanske inicijative / MOS - omladinske volonterske akcije u Beogradu

25. april 2012 - Pokrajinski sekretarijat za privredu - Konkurs za nevladine i neprofitne organizacije za razvoj i revitalizaciju umetničkih  i starih zanata / samo Vojvodina


OPEN  - Media Legal Defence Initiative (MLDI) - NGOs working for legal assistance or litigation activities which safeguard or advance media freedom
4 July 2012 – Delegation of the European Union  - EU Civil Society Facility Serbia Programme
22 April 2012.- Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF) - Large grant facility

18. maj 2012. -  Erste banka Novi Sad / Balkanski fond za lokalne inicijative - Centrifuga 2012. konkurs namenjen  lokalnim omladinskim organizacijama/neprofitnim grupama kojima upravljaju mladi ljudi i bave se pitanjima mladih i kulture

06. maj 2012. - Ecumenical Women’s Initiative from Omis - announced a new public call for project proposals in the fields of  Women’s Rights, Peace building and Reconciliation, Faith-based Ecumenical and Inter-religious Cooperation 
TBC fall 2012 - Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade - Strengthening Civil Society in Serbia 

7 Sept 2012 – NED - Grants for nongovernmental groups working to ensure human rights, an independent media, the rule of law and to advance other democratic goals.

TBC  June/July 2012. – SIDA - Call for Proposals focused on ICTs:  support to actors for change who use and develop information- and communication technologies (ICTs) to strengthen social movements and interest groups working for democratisation and freedom of expression
** Sida's support to civil society organisations is always channeled through a Swedish organisation.